Some children are unable to take sufficient food orally to allow them to grow. This can occur for a variety of reasons but is more common in children with neurological and swallowing abnormalities. If required, a gastrostomy tube can be inserted directly from the abdominal wall into the stomach. This allows your child to be fed directly into the stomach while bypassing the mouth and oesophagus.
Other names for gastrostomy tubes include G-tubes, PEG tubes, MIC-Key tubes and Buttons. There are many different types of tubes and many different ways to insert the tubes, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
Paediatricians are often the first doctors to decide that your child may need a gastrostomy tube. You will then be referred to Dr Stevens to discuss the various ways to insert the tube and an approach will be chosen specific to your child. This may be with open surgery, laparoscopic (key-hole), endoscopically or a combination of approaches. You will receive extensive training and support in the care of your child's gastrostomy both in hospital and after discharge.
Suite 216 Midstream Hill Medical Park,
Midhill Boulevard,
Midstream, Olifantsfontein, 1692
Suite A17 Netcare Pretoria East Hospital,
Cnr Garsfontein Road & Netcare Street,
Moreleta Park,
Pretoria, 0181
+27 (0)12 652 9655